As a non-profit organization, GoLI is funded solely by paid memberships and donations which go towards supporting organizational initiatives, events and functions - like the inaugural GoLI BBQ event on October 13, 2019. However, even if you can't commit to a paid membership, we encourage you to join as a free Basic Member. All memberships levels must be renewed annually. Basic Memberships will last for three months, after which we'll check in to confirm whether you'd like to upgrade to a paid membership or continue as a Basic Member.
Supporting Membership
$20 Annual Contribution
GoLI Charter Member Geocoin
Participate in GoLI challenges
Eligible for officer and committee involvement
Name listed on site
Donating Membership
For those not interested in a GoLI Geocoin
Annual Contribution of any amount (min of $10 suggested)
Same benefits as Supporting Members
No Annual Contribution
Not eligible for GoLI challenges, names listed on the website and other perks such as initiative involvement
As a small thank you to those who keep us free and safe, all GoLI merchandise and membership fees are and forever will be 10% off for all veterans, police officers and firefighters, past and present. Thank you for your service.
Interested in becoming a member? Great! Email us at GeocachersofLI@gmail.com (or send us a message using the "contact us" tab on this site) and let us know your membership level. If you are becoming a Supporting or Donating Member, send the appropriate membership amount to our Matt (mjg231) via Venmo @mjg231 or otherwise make arrangements with us for payment.
Current Supporting & Donating Members
Actiontrinity (Stephanie)
Aiden's Cachers (Steven)
alliebaba40thieves (Allison)
Angeq123 (Angela)
Asooka (Regina)
Basecamp02 (Bruce)
Bigedyben (Ben)
BlueDogRulz (Lynn)
BroKarl (Karl)
Bryan (Bryan )
BSitton74 (Brad)
caseytoo (Leigh)
charnyellow (Nancy)
ChrisFromLongIsland (Chris)
ciarmer (Dom)
Cj4Fish (chris and Sus
clammybird (Frank)
CP590 (Andy)
dph1 (Dianne)
Eyedoc (Andrew)
fatboysuede (Craig)
Fallon78 (Katie)
Firefighter Skippy (James)
Geobandit007 (Rob)
hallycat (Barb)
i.findit (Alida)
IslesPunkFan (Neil)
*Jeremy* (Jeremy)
JimRKY (Jim)
JKMudGirl (Cathy)
Jmugsy (Jen)
Kiax (Istvan)
Kblihar (Kayla)
KKobe (keith)
LilWolfee (Debbie)
Luckyboy (Bob)
LVDJ (Linda)
mamacatandkitties (Irene)
MechMomcacher (Julie)
mmacgown (Marilyn)
MoDaRiMa (Jamie)
MPKearney (Michael)
moelsla (Maureen)
mja08 (mike)
mjg231 (Matt)
OKTerrific (Dave)
Picklemule (Diane)
Rmugsy (Rich)
RoandJoe (Ro and Joe)
RootsSearcher (Susan)
RPlus84 (Daniel)
Sakiman (Bob)
sandpbles (Claudia)
snowyowls5678 (Siena)
Solstice21 (Karen)
SpinBall (Pete)
Team DoubleA (Rich)
TeamMelver (Tracy)
TedtheExplorer (Matt)
The Caching Dead NY (Barry)
tman109ner (Maria)
TreasureGoddess16 (Lauren)
Treasuredrabbit (Dorothy)
TSandCS (Tom and Chris)
ultra648 (Tina)
Unwinder1 (Brian)
Wushu Sugar (Jax)
Zach2446 (Zach)
4Everred (Jill)
4everred (Carol Ann)
ActionTrinity (Stephanie)
aghudley (Kevin)
Aiden's Cachers (Steve)
albertiality (Alex)
Alliebaba40thieves (Allie)
AliveandOutside (Jenn)
Angeq123 (Angela)
AnnScout (Ann)
Awise (Anne-Marie)
Basecamp02 (Bruce)
bdep24 (Brian)
Big_Pluto (Regan)
Bigedyben (Ben)
Bluedogrulz (Lynne)
BroKarl (Karl)
Broncos Fan 4 Life (Chandra)
BSitton74 (Brad)
CaseyToo (Leigh)
CDMommy (Alyssa)
Charnyellow (Nancy)
Chevettev6 (Michael)
ChiefGeocacher (Jeremy)
ChrisFromLongIsland (Chris)
Ciarmer (Dom)
CJ4Fish (Chris, Sue and Jessica)
Clammybird (Frank)
Codyhollowfarm (Stacy)
Cosmo411 (Jill)
CP590 (Andy)
Dmpt53 (Diane)
dph1 (Dianne)
DirtBikeGranny (Lou Ann)
EyeDoc (Andrew)
Fallon78 (Katy)
FatBoySuede (Craig)
Firefighter Skippy (James)
fpscc (Denise)
Frank4ters (Stefanie)
GeoBandit007 (Rob)
Geocachingsisters101 (Charlotte & Abigail)
Glamping Cousins (Kellie & Tony)
GoodSamNurse (Donna)
HAd00kin (Ilan)
Hallycat (Barb)
i.findit (Alida)
Iggy317 (Ingrid, Russel & Reiss)
IslesPunkFan (Neil)
JKMudGirl (Cathy)
Jmugsy (Jen)
Joerx214 (Joseph)
Jssjrob (Rob)
KIAX (Istvan)
KKobe (Keith)
Levithan1357 (Bruce)
Lilwolfee (Debbie Lynn)
LVDJ (Linda)
Luckyboy (Bob)
MechMomcacher (Julie)
MegthePirate (Megan)
MiNi_MoDaRiMaS (Riley & Mara)
mja108 (Mike)
Mjg231 (Matt)
mmacgown (Marilyn)
MoDaRiMa (Jamie)
Moelsla (Maureen)
MPKearney (Michael)
Nessieboombatz (Vanessa)
New Market Mallers (Eric)
Noellerx (Noelle)
Obarshay (Oleg)
poeanne (Anne)
PickleMule (Diane)
Practical Geocaching (Jim)
RMugsy (Rich)
RoandJoe (Rosanne and Joe)
RootsSearcher (Susan)
Rothstafari (Bryan)
RowBow (Rowan)
Sakiman (Bob)
Sandpbles (Claudia)
Solstice21 (Karen)
Spinball (Pete)
Taaffe1250 (John)
Team Double A (Rich)
Team Melver (Tracy)
TedtheExplorer (M&M, T&T)
Teeheehee (Patti)
The 3 Caballeros (Jon-Jon)
The Caching Dead NY (Barry)
TheSnuggleMuggle (Maria)
Tman109ner (Maria)
TreasuredRabbit (Dorothy)
TreasureGoddess16 (Lauren)
TSandCS (Tom & Chris)
Ultra648 (Tina)
Unwinder1 (Brian)
Wushu Sugar (Jax)
Zach2446 (Zach)
Zyklopin & Cthulhu (Judith)
ActionTrinity (Stephanie)
aghudley (Kevin)
Aiden's Cachers (Steve)
Albertiality (Alex)
AliveandOutside (Jenn)
Alliebaba40thieves (Allie)
Angeq123 (Angela)
AnnScout (Ann)
Awise (Anne-Marie)
BadlarryNY (Adam)
BakerClan (Derek)
Basecamp02 (Bruce)
Big_Pluto (Regan)
Bigedyben (Ben)
BroKarl (Karl)
Broncos Fan 4 Life (Chandra)
BSitton74 (Brad)
Cashew Nuts NY (Bob and Patti)
CDMommy (Alyssa)
Charnyellow (Nancy)
Ciarmer (Dom)
CJ4Fish (Chris, Sue and Jessica)
Clammybird (Frank)
Cosmo411 (Jill)
CP590 (Andy)
Daaamnwojslaw (Damian)
DirtBikeGranny (Lou Ann)
DisneyDork323 (Jennifer)
Dmpt53 (Diane)
DPH1 (Dianne)
Dr.Evil (Tom)
EarthmanL (Andrew)
Eyedoc (Andrew)
FatboySuede (Craig)
Flagman (Tom)
Foreverred (Carol Ann)
Gemini Walker (JoAnn)
GeoBandit007 (Rob)
Glamping Cousins (Kellie & Tony)
GoodSamNurse (Donna)
HAd00kin (Ilan)
Hallycat (Barb)
Hansarelli (Rob)
Harvey's Pack (Candice)
i.findit (Alida)
Iggy317 (Ingrid, Russel & Reiss)
IslesPunkFan (Neil)
JKMudGirl (Cathy)
Jmugsy (Jen)
Joerx214 (Joseph)
KIAX (Istvan)
King Geoff (Geoff)
KKobe (Keith)
LIJewels324 (Julianna)
Lilwolfee (Debbie Lynn)
Luckyboy (Bob)
LVDJ (Linda)
MechMomcacher (Julie)
Meg the Pirate (Meg)
MiNi_MoDaRiMaS (Riley & Mara)
Mja108 (Mike)
Mjg231 (Matt)
mmacgown (Marilyn)
MoDaRiMa (Jamie)
Moelsla (Maureen)
MPKearney (Michael)
Nessieboombatz (Vanessa)
New Market Mallers (Eric)
newt345 (Cat/Mikey)
Noellerx (Noelle)
Obarshay (Oleg)
Oestfamily (John)
PickleMule (Diane)
poeanne (Anne)
Practical Geocaching (Jim)
Punchappy (Tara)
Quarterdad (Chris)
Railroad (David)
ReverendJohnny (Johnny)
RMugsy (Rich)
RoandJoe (Roseann and Joe)
RootsSearcher (Susan)
Rothstafari (Bryan Roth!!!)
RowBow (Rowan)
Sakiman (Bob)
Sandpbles (Claudia)
SexyDiva (Jennifer)
SexyBeast33 (Anastasios)
Spinball (Peter)
Taaffe (John)
Team Double A (Rich)
Team Melver (Tracy)
TedtheExplorer (M&M, T&T)
The 3 Caballeros (Jon-Jon)
The Caching Dead NY (Barry)
TheSnuggleMuggle (Maria)
Tman109ner (Maria)
TreasureGoddess16 (Lauren)
TSandCS (Tom & Chris)
Ultra648 (Tina)
Unwinder1 (Brian)
Wushu Sugar (Jax)
Zyklopin & Cthulhu (Judith)
2poox2 (Judy)