GoLI Member Spotlight
March 2021: ActionTrinity
1. What does your cacher name mean?
I go by Trinity in wrestling and roller derby; it just always has been my nickname. Everything I do in life, I do with my mind, body, and soul - the state of three, the trinity. I am a stuntwoman and I’m all about action, so I just put the two together... I’m Action Trinity. It was also a web show I hosted and it’s my company name ActionTrinity Inc., so just fitting for geocaching too 🙂
2. When did you start caching and how did you find out about it?
I first started caching on 5/12/14. I saw people talking about it on FB so I googled it and it sounded fun so I downloaded the app and there was a cache close by so I went for it. I definitely wish I heard about caching sooner.
3. Describe your first find.
The day I found out about caching and downloaded the app, there was a cache close-by, so I had to venture out. I read a little about it, had the gist - follow the dots and go find something lol. So I drove as close to the dot as I could get with my truck and when there was nowhere else to drive, I had to head out on foot; it was in the woods but I didn’t know the area or trails or anything. I just started hiking through the woods, bushwhacking as I learned later on lol. It was called “THE GIANT”, GCHX7Z, which is now archived. I think it was part of the pine barrens in the summer. 300ft of bushwhacking and there was this Giant Rock; awesome spot and the cache was a decent size hidden by the big rock. I was so excited at the thought of finding this treasure. There was all cool stuff inside; plastic horses and other animals and what I know now as pathtags. I didn’t know what to do at the time with all the stuff inside, hadn’t read that far into it lol. I knew to sign the log and return everything and put it back. I couldn’t believe I didn’t take the pathtags lol there were 3 inside and now I collect them. It was so awesome. The whole way back I was smiling until I returned back to the truck and I was covered head to toe in TICKS omg it was so bad; they were all over my clothes, inside my clothes, tons of them. I think I burned my clothes after that and didn’t run off into the woods for a while just yet.
4. How many finds do you have?
How many finds do you have? Right this moment I am at 4242. I already reached my goal of 4000, which I set for my anniversary in May so now I need a new goal. I don’t think I can get to 5k by then but you never know....
a. Find count by type
3612 traditional, 311 unknown, 85 multi, 80 letterbox, 40 labs, 26 earthcaches, 21 virtuals, 7 wherigoes, 1 webcam and 1 locationless (reverse) cache, 46 events, 7 citos, 4 Megas and 1 community celebration event
b. Favorite find type?
My favorite types are traditionals. I really just love to go caching and find a cache. I like to be hiking, biking, boating, riding my horse or just driving and being able to find a cache. I just love to find caches. I like working for the cache but I don’t like to have to think too much about it lol. I was not always a big fan of the puzzles nor multis. The first puzzle cache I opened was so difficult and confusing and then I thought all blue question marks were like that and never opened them again lol. Then once I started getting frustrated with them on my map and becoming the only things left close-by, I had to start opening them more. I realized some were actually easy or just puzzles that I liked to solve or knew what to do without having to be part of a puzzle cult and knowing the secret codes lol. I actually wouldn’t have known about most of the other types of caches if it wasn’t for a challenge set for the month by geocaching to find each type of cache for that month. I set out to conquer that challenge and that’s what got me to my first event and to do a multi and a wherigo.
c. Pick one favorite find?
Picking a favorite find is very difficult now that I’ve been caching so long and have different things that I like. I will narrow it down to a few. I did like when I started finding trick caches that would have amazing camouflage. I also love a cache I can get on the water or with my horse. And then of course there is the amazing GoLI ATM cash machine cache. That is definitely on the list.
5. How many caches have you hidden?
I have hidden 107 to date.
a. Hide count by type
All my hides are traditional.
b. Favorite hide type?
I hide what I like to find.
c. Pick one favorite cache that you’ve hidden?
I don’t think I have a favorite cache that I’ve hidden but I love my hides that I have done with my horse. Everywhere I used to ride my horse I have a series of caches. I hid a series of caches out in Ridge where we rode on trails and by the Longwood estates. We also used to ride in Blydenburg Park so we hid a series of caches there and have a small series of caches in Dix Hills.
6. Stats review
a. How many state and country souvenirs?
21 states and 4 countries
b. Jasmer challenge?
I still don’t think I have the gist of what the Jasmer and Fizzy challenge is so I can’t really answer these questions. [Note from editor: Actiontrinity has found caches hidden in 235 of the 251 months caches have been placed. She has found caches placed in every month of years 2004-2017.]
c. Fizzy challenge?
Yeah I still don’t know what this is but I am working on my D/T grid. I think I set my challenges on the first page of stats on the site just to fill all this up lol [Note from editor: Actiontrinity has found caches with 72 of the 81 D/T combinations.]
d. Calendar days?
366 filled
e. Streak?
I thought about doing streaks but I can’t just get a cache a day. Some days, I find over a hundred, so the next day I might need to do something else because I spent the whole previous day caching lol
f. Slump?
I do have a slump and I wish you could get rid of that stat lol. I can’t believe I went 130 days without caching at one time.
g. FTFs?
Ok, so FTF has a funny story with me. I actually thought I would never get a FTF because I started caching so late and thought everyone else already found all the caches here. It wasn’t until I learned how to set up notifications; one day I got the notification and it was on one of my favorite days, July 4th. I was heading to see fireworks, it was almost dark and there was a cache that popped up right by me. I thought omg this could be my shot at a FTF. It was getting dark quick, my phone battery was almost out, so I checked the map really quickly and I knew the area and looked closely just in case I lost the battery. I checked the hint real quick before I lost connection. I had a terrible signal too so I was just going by my geo-senses which were pretty honed by this time. I lost my phone and had to go in blindly, night was falling and I found the cache just by chance and the log was clear omg I am FTF and all of sudden fireworks all over the sky as if celebrating my achievement. It was awesome. It was so exciting; it was probably the longest log I ever wrote on a cache. There was a FTF pin; you would think I won the lottery. I was still so new to this and the next day I get an email that it was one of those caches for someone’s accomplishment and they are supposed to be the FTF so they told me they were deleting my log. I had no idea what any of that was and I didn’t get to read the cache. Lol so no big deal but never was really into FTF after that and I’m kind of glad because I’m very competitive and that can get obsessive lol.
h. Best caching week? Weekend?
I know my best caching day is 160 and my best month is 367 and best year 1772.
7. Do you trade SWAG? Any signature SWAG items?
I love trading swag. I always have so much stuff for caches. I have my own pathtags. I love pathtag trading, and collecting and trading caching and roller derby cards that I leave in caches. I used to have caching cards that were like business cards that I made up when I first started and I also leave those rubber wrist bands and lanyards from Sports Authority in caches lol. I have tons of those from a promotion. I love collecting cachers’ signature swag from the locals; their cards, patches, pens, stickers, coins, crafts - whatever they leave I have a great collection 🙂
8. Like to move trackables? How many do you own?
I love trackables. I have a whole bunch - I love moving them and making them. I have 200 trackables but a lot of them stay in my collection. I have 57 out moving. 29 of my trackables went missing but I just revised them all and sent them back out there. I’m a little addicted to trackables - I have to take them when I see them and trade them, even discover them if I can’t take them. I love discovering trackables; such another cool part of the game.
9. Cache with GPS or Phone?
I always cache with my phone. I did purchase a GPS in the beginning, a Garmin, and tried using it but I was more comfortable with the phone. I never really had any issues caching with my phone and it’s more convenient. I’m sure a GPS is great - I just didn’t get into it and I still have mine in my bag ready to go with spare batteries lol.
10. Do you have any geocaching goals?
I have so many geocaching goals. I love geocaching so I want to do it all. I definitely have to get to Geocaching HQ and I have traveled cross country twice already but I wasn’t a geocacher yet so now I plan on going again and to cache in every state. I already have Hawaii and 20 others so no problem, Alaska might be the only maybe but I hope to get there too. Fill all my grids and to get all of Long Island clear - Yes! Mingo should be next; might be heading to Kansas in April.
11. Do you cache with anyone?
OMG I used to cache with my favorite geopal SCOOBY, God rest his soul; he was the best geo-partner. He went everywhere with me and was awesome. I love caching with my animals. I have cached with them all; my horse and even my cat has come to a few park and grabs with me lol. My new geo-partners are my man and my new geo-pup. When I first started, it was totally a solo thing until I went to a few events and started meeting people and then following the FB page. The first time I went out with other cachers was a group to do Sight Unseen. That was awesome; met cool cachers and did that awesome cache wow. Then I liked going with groups to do big trails and parks and series and stuff. I did that night cache with a group that was so cool, and if it wasn’t for other cachers, I would’ve never been to a mega. I used to cache with a lot of great people; one of my faves was DMPT53 - she was an awesome caching stunt driver and puzzler. I have cached with Punchhappy, islespunkfan, Eyedoc, cp590, taaffe, zeppelinDT, fyreflyfaerie, fatboysuede. Picklemule, unwinder1, the GlampingCousins clan, geminiwalker, cj4fish, wushusugar. I know I’m missing a few and I’m sorry because I’ve been on such great adventures with all of them all over the place doing caches that I wouldn’t have been able to do myself or might not have. I remember the Harry Potter series that was so much fun; so many adventures and events, thank you all. Don’t think I forgot you allibabaandthefourtythieves. She is an awesome cacher; love going on adventures with her (you) we are on a mission this week 🙂
12. Tell a memorable caching story.
I think I covered a few memorable stories like the first cache and the ticks, the FTF debacle lol. And that Harry Potter Series was great because one of the caches was Dumbledore’s Tower. It was a tree climb - I was so excited and I definitely wanted to climb the tree and the great group I was caching with let me climb. I was so gung-ho. I ran up and right off the bat one of the branches broke. Then were thick branches and this was a high tree and now I’m thinking uh oh lol. I still made the climb but I was slow and calculated, feeling out every branch to make sure it was secure and would hold me. I was definitely a little shaky thinking can you imagine I’m a stuntwoman and I get hurt climbing a tree to get a cache lol. I knew the group had my back as they did before on other tree climbs saving me from leaving my arm in a tree lol. Yeah, lots of great memories and adventures. I definitely miss those awesome caching adventures.
13. Bucket list cache?
I don’t think I have one particular bucket list cache but my list of caching goals is probably the same as my bucket list. I would love to travel the world and cache. All I know is wherever I go, I’ll be caching always!
14. Besides geocaching, what else should we know about you?
I have been a stuntwoman for over 25 years. I was a WWE Diva/Pro wrestler, TRINITY. You can check out Trinity Firestarter on YouTube 🙂 I used to play roller derby and cachers came to the games which was awesome. I played for 4 different teams and was one of the first NY ALLSTARs. I even had a cache series for the derby with trading cards; one of my pathtags is roller derby, and the others are stunts, wrestling and Batman/Caution Trinity. My next will be all my caching pets : ) I love gardening, darts, horseshoes and golf. Lol I feel like I’m writing my resume.
15. What do you want GoLI to work on?
I love being a part of GoLI. I think this group is great. Keep up the great work, keeping caching positive and this group positive and the FB page positive and keeping caching FUN! Love all the great caches, contests and challenges!!! GREAT JOB GOLI!