01 January 2020, 06:30 - 08:00
Join us at Jones Beach Parking Field 6 to watch the first sunrise of the New Year. We will be gathering on the beach side patio of the concession stand. Hopefully the fresh air, sea sounds and lightening skies will refresh and revitalize you after celebrating the arrival of 2020 only 7-1/4 hours earlier.
Sunrise is scheduled for 7:17 a.m. on this date (first light around 6:47 a.m.). We will be arriving at 6:30 a.m. and leaving at 8 a.m.
Your first cup of morning coffee and donuts will be provided or bring the food &/or beverage of your choice. In your Will Attend log, please mention if you would like a donut and what type you would prefer. Please also mention if you are bringing any other beverage/food so we may cut down on duplicates.
Oh yeah...there is a rumor that you will earn the Hello 2020 souvenir for attending
this event &/or finding a cache on January 1, 2020. Be the first on the block to get yours.
Happy New Year to All !!!
Back by popular demand. Voted for by popular majority (of 2)