26 October 2019, 00:30 - 01:30
After Midnight or Between Friday the 25th and Saturday the 26th!!
A Fortunate series of events. Some of us have a difficult time getting to events. For me it's mostly the timing. The over-lapping with my work hours. This is a continuous series of events that take place After Midnight...
LOCATION: Long Island Welcome Center just off the LIE, between Exits 51 and Exit 52 on the East Bound side.
TIME: 12:30 am or Half Past the Midnight Hour to 1:30 am THIS IS FRIDAY NIGHT INTO SATURDAY MORNING TO BE CLEAR!!
It's finally here!! Fall, Crop Harvests, Cool days, Pumpkins, Corn Mazes, Costumes and HALLOWEEN!!!
The day's are shorter. The night's longer. The air is crisp. Kid's are back in school. Leaves are turning bright colors. We approch the time of the year when the veil is thinist between the world of the dead and that of the living. A time when we can reach out and speak with our departed loved ones. It is also time for Monsters, Goblins and Ghouls. With a Terminator and a Darth Vader here and there.
ome join us for another After Midnight Event for the Fall of 2019!! EVERYONE WELCOME!!
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Geocaching: From Beginners to Vets!!
Help for Geocachers of all levels of experience.
Additional Hints
Beaware of the spirits in the night! Wear your costume if you like!